Nanou Porter


Contact :

+33 6 19 84 75 34

Her history :

Originally from Bordeaux, Nanou grew up in Paris where she was surrounded by art from a very young age.

She approaches different artistic techniques throughout her studies: pencil, oil, pastel, ink, restoration of old paintings, gilding, engraving and others…

Her first passion:  the COLOR and the effect of color on emotions and inspiration.

After devoting years to oil painting, the discovery of Pastels is like an enchanted journey.
The medium is sensual. It offers incomparable intensity and a singular grace opening onto infinite variations.

She particularly appreciates delicate, velvety textures that blend into a soft atmospheric beauty.
The intensity and expression of color that emerge from the gaze of her models are always at the center of her work.
She exhibits her creations at artistic events in several cities in Florida (US), where she lived for many years.

She recently moved to Cuxac d’Aude with her husband Jon, a potter and wood turner.